Friday, September 13, 2013

the artist

Those of us who accept the existence of God or god, whatever he may be, generally accept the idea of the universe as his creation.  That is, God is the artist; the universe is his work, or one of them. 

So why do we think we should be able to find him by flying out into space or ascending up into the heavens? 

The artist can draw a picture of himself in his painting easily enough, but the artist cannot climb into the painting to exist there.  He is separate from his work, a different category of being altogether.  Duh. 

And the only way that I will get to meet him is to leave the work and enter his totally other realm of existence, of which this universe is just one little production in his gallery.  To do that, I must be as different as the walking-around human being is from the two-dimensional figure on the flat canvas in the gallery.  I must be as different as the seed is from the plant, as Paul would say. 

Jesus says he is the door. And when we die, he is the door into reality like we cannot imagine.

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